You choose the rope and sue it with the pick axe that is stuck in the ceiling

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You choose the rope and sue it with the pick axe that is stuck in the ceiling you then make it into a lasso and loop it round the pick axe with OSRS gold your (awesome) ranging skills then you right click on the rope that is currently dangling from the ceiling and picked yank soon or later (it takes some time like pick pocketing) it will come loose and 0-10 parts of ore could fall together with it the ore deals 2 damage and also the pick axe can deal up to 8 harm. Mining any 1 ore will provide you 1 mining encounter. As I have mentioned earlier you will find charm guardians and they're Runescape monsters that could be from level 1-360 and as their name suggests they protect the Charm ores from being mined and would be only to happy to slaughter you.

Their battle level dose rely upon yours they are arbitrary battle levels and should you want you can run away from them but if you kill you it may fall a"Ore Pouch" that the Ore Pouch can store up to 10 charm ores that contrasts with the color of the pouch. When you have all of the ores you can carry you use them onto the furnace and it will take 2 ores to create 1 charm resulting in 1 smithing experience per charm. If you have any ores in a pouch you can use the pouch on the furnace and it will dump those ores in the pouch into the furnace resulting in the # of charms which corresponds with all the ores.

I believe that for the Bounty Hunter you cnat be in a clan; When you attempt to enter it ought to say- You're in a clan, please depart the clan to enter Bounty hunter. I believe that since have YOU ever tryed to go in? Its just like saying, add-in from list below, because of all of the clans. You need 10 people for the thing to start, and as soon as it begins it turns out about 8 of the 10 people are in the arrived clan, And they all attack you!

List Below:"Oh Look, I believe I will go perish." "Hmm. . Who shall attack me first?" "Oh ! A Clan! Hey! Clan! Over here! . Oh My!" And even it I wished to go die the revrents would kill me first on the way into buy RuneScape gold the Bounty Hunter. , They can eat! I mean, Truly!